
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

丹巴【中路碉楼・甲居藏寨】~金川梨花~药王谷辛夷花海 8 日  

Danba[Zhonglu Ancient Stone Watchtowers ・Jiaju Tibetan village]~Pear flowers in Jinchuan~The magnolia flower of the Yaowang Valley 8 days

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景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

金川梨花:金川有着“阿坝州小江南”之美誉,是全世界范围内最大的原生态、高海拔雪梨种植区。每到仲春三月,万 亩梨海,百里白蕊,整个大金川河谷似茫茫雪海、白云风涌。


中路藏寨:藏语意为“神和人向往的地方”,是东女国的故都遗址所在地之一,她有着 5000 年的远古文明,并创造了 自己的灿烂文化。 

药王谷・辛夷花:三月下旬,药王谷号称世界上最神奇的野生辛夷花,依山成势、次第开放,颜色由白到紫,五颜六色、 缤纷灿烂、深浅不一,满天诧紫嫣红,如烟似霞。让人疑心误入了瑶池仙境。

Pear flowers in Jinchuan:Jinchuan has the reputation of "Land of idyllic beauty" and it is the largest pears cultivated area of original ecology and high-altitude in the world. Every spring in March, ten thousand acres of pear flowers, a hundred miles of white flowers, the whole Jinchuan river valley like a vast sea of snow, like the white cloud, like the wind to come.

Jiaju Tibetan Village: The most beautiful village in China. 

Zhonglu Tibetan Village: means "the place where gods and people look forward to" in Tibetan. It is one of the sites of the former capital of East female country, it has an ancient civilization of 5000 years and created its own splendid culture. 

Magnolia flower in Yaowang Valley: In late march, Yaowang Valley is known as the most magical wild magnolia flower in the world. These flowers depend on the mountain sequential open, color from white to purple, colorful, brilliant, the

color with the differ depth, a blaze of bright colors all over the sky, like smoke and like rosy cloud. Let a person
suspect strayed into the Jade pool wonderland.


Best time to visit:March


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water