
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

世界之巅西藏【林芝・前藏・后藏・珠峰】12 天 

Topoftheworld,Tibet[Nyingchi ・ Lhasa,ShannanRegion ・ ShigatseRegion ・ Everest]12Days 

纳木措 边长1920 DSC_4501-Pano.jpg

景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

珠穆朗玛峰:(俗称珠峰)是喜马拉雅山脉的主峰,同时是世界海拔最高的山峰,海拨 8848 米。 高原湖泊无数,知名或不知名,有别于圣湖的名气,更有寄身于旷野的大气灵动。一生兴许就一次机会目睹,绝对值。 无人区是野生动物的乐园,藏野驴、藏羚羊、黄羊、岩羊等等,随时都有机会闯进你我视野。

林芝:平均海拔 3100 米,林芝以其绚丽的自然风光而闻名,被誉为“西藏江南”。

Qomolangma:(commonly knownas MountEverest)is the  main peakoftheHimalayas and the highest mountain in the world at8,848meters above sealevel.The plateau lake sare numerous,known or unknown,different from the fame oftheholy lake,but also have the spirit oftheat mosphere in the  wilderness.Maybe onceina life time,it's definitely worth it.NoMan'sLand is the paradise of wild animals,Tibetan wild donkeys,Tibetan antelope,yellow sheep,rock sheep and soon,there are opportunities to break into our sight at any time. 

Nyingchi:the average elevation is 3100meters in Nyingchi,Nyingchi is famous for it sfantastic natural scenery,are known as"JiangnaninTibet". 


Best time to visit:April to November


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water