
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

蜀山之王贡嘎山~伍须海~雅家情海摄影之旅 8 日(专业摄影版)

The king of Shushan Gongga Mountain~Wuxuhai Lake~ Yajia Loving Sea Photography Tour 8 Days(Professional Photography Route)

贡嘎湖全景 1920 .jpg

景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

贡嘎山:贡嘎山以冰川闻名,山麓有现代冰川 159 条,主峰海拔 7556 米,是地球同纬度及四川省最高的山峰,被誉为“蜀山之王”。围绕主峰周围有 45 座海拔 6000 米以上的雪峰,方圆 390 多平方公里内,有众多冰川、温泉、湖泊、森林、高 山草甸及珍稀动、植物。 


雅哈垭口:雅哈垭口海拔 4568 米,距贡嘎山主峰直线距离约 30km,是观贡嘎主峰及贡嘎群峰的极佳点!


圣母之泪・ 冷噶措:位于康定市贡嘎山西侧帮木吉德村后方海拔 4500 米以上的高山上,有一个冰雪融化形成的终年不涸的高山湖 泊,被人誉为“贡嘎山的一滴眼泪”,当地藏族同胞称之为“圣母之泪・冷噶措”。冷嘎措的湖边,是眺望贡嘎山主峰 最正面的绝佳位置,蹲下,则看见贡嘎山的雪峰倒影在湖面上,浑然天成,大气磅礴!被称为“大自然的惊艳之作!”。



Gongga Mountain: Gongga mountain is famous for its glaciers, there are 159 contemporary glaciers at the foot of the mountain, the main peak is 7,556 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain in Sichuan Province in the same latitude of the earth, known as "The king of Shushan". Around the main peak there are 45 snow-capped peaks with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters, within an area of more than 390 square kilometers, there are numerous glaciers, hot springs, lakes, forests, alpine meadows, rare animals and plants. 

Yaha Yakou: Yaha Yakou is 4,568 meters above sea level, about 30km away from the main peak of Gongga Mountain as the crow flies, it is an excellent point for viewing the main peak of Gongga Mountain and the group peaks of Gongga Mountain!

lady-tears ・ Lengga Lake: Located at the rear of Bangmujide Village on the west side of Gongga Mountain in Kangding City at an altitude of more than 4,500 meters, there is a alpine Lake formed by the melting of ice and snow, which is never dry all the year round, known as "a drop of tears on Gongga Mountain", the local Tibetans call it "the lady-tears ・ Lengga Lake". On the edge of the Lengga Lake, it is the best place to view the front of the main peak of Gongga Mountain, if you squat down, you can see the snowcapped peak of the Gongga Mountain reflected on the lake, natural and majestic! Known as "nature's stunning work"! 

Wuxuhai Lake: Wuxuhai Lake Scenic Area is mainly composed of snow peaks, old-growth forest, lakes, streams, meadows, sea of flowers, a variety of rare plants and animals and unique Tibetan customs.


Best time to visit:April to December


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water